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Professional Bakers Emerge From Lockdown

Published date: 17/07/2020 11:28

Lockdown had us all bored and wondering what we could do with all this spare time. Some of us went to home workouts, a lot of us went for a bit of day-drinking as the sun was out, some even dyed their hair, but quite a few went for baking

Self Isolation - Learn A New Skill

Published date: 21/03/2020 09:00

Bake some cookies and learn some new icing skills. With a recipe for cookies and royal icing you have all you need to learn some fun new techniques.
Georgia Green Interview.jpg

Q&A with Baking Influencer Georgia Green

Published date: 28/08/2019 15:25

PME caught up with Georgia from @georgiascakes to chat about her predictions for future cake trends, her advice to new bakers and tips for becoming a baking influencer!

How To Make Homemade Sweet Pastry

Published date: 21/08/2019 16:14

Homemade Sweet Pastry: Preparation: 10 min Chill time: 30 min. Makes / 350g Make delicious, enriched homemade pastry using the tips from our PME bakers. This pastry recipe will work perfectly with bakewell or jam tarts!

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