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How to Make Pizza Dough with PME Bread Mix

Published date: 28/05/2021 13:37

We all love a good pizza, especially when it is fresh and not store bought. The thought and process of making the pizza dough can be off putting, but you can actually use PME’s Bread Mix to make the dough for your pizza!
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A Guide to Making the Most Gooey Cookies

Published date: 28/05/2021 10:38

We all love cookies, but some people like it crunch and others prefer it chewy and gooey. The difference between the two is the moisture. Gooey cookies can be so hard to achieve, so we have put together some tips you can follow to make soft, chewy, mouth-watering cookies!
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Making Cake with Soda

Published date: 27/05/2021 11:34

Adding Soda to a cake may seem slightly strange, but trust us it tastes delicious! Adding soda to a cake mix or batter is a fast way to add flavour and replace other wet ingredients, such as water and oil.
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Creating Black Buttercream

Published date: 26/05/2021 14:55

Achieving black buttercream can be very difficult and sometimes impossible. No matter how much black food colouring you put in the buttercream, but yet it still stays grey. Read to find out how to create the perfect black buttercream!

Tips and Tricks to Make the Perfect Cake Pop!

Published date: 25/05/2021 15:16

At PME headquarters, we love cake pops but it can be difficult to make and to perfect. So we have created our top tricks and tips, so that you can also enjoy making and eating the most perfect cake pops!

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